Operating System
▼ step_3 | |
▼ filesystem | |
▼ API | |
fsapi.h | Below define the api for filesystem. they are low level api |
fsErrorCode.h | Define error code that is used in fsapi.h |
datablock.c | Datablock table for fat filesystem |
DBR.c | Operating system loader |
FAT.c | FAT table |
FATMacro.h | All the macro needed by FAT inner implementation |
filesystem.h | |
fsutilities.h | |
▼ include | |
bridge.inc | |
ctype.h | Light-weight ctype.h |
graphic.h | Macro for graphic |
mystring.c | |
mystring.h | |
stdio.h | My stdio.h implementation |
utilities.h | Most importantly low level function used in kernel |
▼ kernel | |
custom_interupt.c | |
kernel.c | KERNEL of the operating system |
kernel.h | Used by kernel.c a header for kernel file. why not read the source directly? |
timeout.c | Called when clock interupt occur. draw beautiful graph in terminal |
▼ user | |
▼ stone | |
stone.c | |
stone.h | |
kbhit.c | Keyboard cunstom interupt callback |
terminal.c | Terminal |
terminal.h | |
user.c | DEPLECATED |
user.h | DEPLECATED |